
Thursday, March 19, 2020

All My Work

All my work
 Skeen novel chronology and Timeline for Dilys's paintings

August 1927 
Inquest, pre-Dilys era (Skeen No. 27)
Early December 1927  
Double Ententrepre-Dilys  (Skeen No. 28)
Mid-March 1928 
Sufferance, pre-Dilys  (Skeen No. 29)
June 1928 
Warlocks, pre-Dilys (Skeen No. 30)
October 1928 
Beginnings, pre-Dilys  (Skeen No. 21)
December 1928 
China Basin, marries Dilys  (Skeen No. 13)
Early January 1929 
Reciprocity, No Dilys paintings yet  (Skeen No. 22)
February 1929 
Wintery Discontent, Dilys just getting her study  (Skeen No. 13)
March 1929 
Manhattan Blues, Dilys interviews models for paintings  (Skeen No. 14)\
April 1929 
The Janus Affair, Dilys getting her studio ready  (Skeen No. 15)
Late April 1929 
First Things, Dilys completes early studies of 'Hypatia' Valda hired (Skeen No. 16)
May 1929 
The Head of Athena, Dilys visiting aunt Patsy back East  (Skeen No. 2)
May 1929 
Civic Affairs, Dilys working with Valda and Sally Crofts on 'Hypatia'  (Skeen No. 17)
June 1929 
Stolen Words, Dilys completes 'Hypatia', planning 'Salome' (Skeen No. 12)
June 1929 
Exegesis, Dilys does sketches for 'Salome' (Skeen No. 18)
July 1929 
The Daedàlus Conspiracy, Dilys refines 'Hypatia," Sally Crofts replaced   (Skeen No. 3)
August 1929 An August Interlude, Dilys finishes 'Hypatia' (Skeen No. 11)
September 1929 The Circles of Odin, Valda models for 'Salome'  (Skeen No. 8)
October 1929 Sleight of Hand, Dilys still working on 'Salome'  (Skeen No 10)
November 1929 The Chameleon, Dilys finishes 'Salome'  (Skeen No. 4)
November 1929 Reprisals, Valda's birthday  (Skeen No. 32)
November 1929 The Pendulum, Dilys makes sketches for 'Circe'  (Skeen No. 33)
December 1929 Seeing Double, Dilys makes sketches for 'Circe'  (Skeen No. 19)
December 1929 Trichotomy, Dilys works on 'Circe,' sketches for 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 20)
December 1929 School Days, Dilys works on 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 21)
January 1930 Saving Athena, Dilyx does work on 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 23)
January 1930 A Crimson Overture, Dily finishes 'Circe'  (Skeen No. 5)
 Late January 1930 Passions, Dilys works on 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 25)
January 1930 Breakdown, Dilys refines 'Circe'  (Skeen No. 36)
January 1930 Split Infinitives, Dilys works more on 'Circe'  and 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 24)
February 1930 Celebrity News, Dilys nearly finished with 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 26)
February 1930 The Black Stone, Dilys works more on 'Phryne'  (Skeen No. 6)
March 1930 The Gumshoe Guild, Dilys finishes 'Phryne"  (Skeen No. 37)
March 1930 Serenity, Dilys does studies for 'Joan or Arc'   (Skeen No. 38)
March 1930 The Pickwick Affair, Dilys puts final touches on 'Phyrne'   (Skeen No. 37)
April 1930 Silver Screens, Dilys sells 'Hypatia' to M. Courau  (Skeen No. 9)
December 1930 The Skeen Chronicles,  (Skeen No. 31)
April 1930 Flute, (Skeen No. 40)
May 1930 A Final Canvas, Dilys injures head in fall, while working on "Joan of Arc," surgery (Skeen No. 41)  Her injury stems from being ambushed about a month before by a criminal from Medford, Oregon, who sapped her with the butt of a gun . (The Pickwick Affair)
May 1930 Gallery, Dilys. recovered from her surgery, opens Révélé gallery for her paintings, featuring her "Joan of Arc,";  Valda is murdered outside  Révélé gallery  (Skeen No. 42)
"Sweets" a work in progress (March 1931)


Sparrowhawk word counts for printed books, Kindle, and ACX audio books of series:
The total word count of the series comes to a little over 794,000 words. Here is a breakdown of the counts of each title:

Book One: Jack Frake: 108,000 (2002)
Book Two: Hugh Kenrick: 171,742 (2003)
Book Three: Caxton: 96,905 (2004)
Book Four: Empire: 112,107 (2005)
Book Five: Revolution: 123,156 (2005)
Book Six: War: 139,410  (2007)
New Sparrowhawk Companion:  43,000  (2008)
Total:  794,320
All as of April 2016

The Merritt Fury Series

Whisper the Guns: (64,541) (1977)
We Three Kings: (61,944) (1980)
Run From Judgment: (89,006) (1983)
Total: 215,491 (as of 5 September 2016)

The Chess Hanrahan Series

With Distinction: (71,783) (1984)
First Prize: (66,382) (1988)
Presence of Mind: (84,119) (1987)
Honors Due: (72.660) (1989)
Total: 294,944 (as of 5 September 2016)

Nonfiction Series

Running Out My Guns: 70,387   (1)
Corsairs & Freebooters: 44,759:   (3)
Islam's Reign of Terror:  15,579:   (4)
Letters of Marque:  64,330  (7)
From the Crow's Nest:  66,347   (8)
Rational Scrutiny: 47,332   (9)
A Handbook on Islam: 14,628   (10)
Cogitations 55,521:   (11)
Total to Date:    531,820
As of 27 February 2019

Combined total word count,, all series, as of 13 September 2017: 3,201,593

2,536 (including guest non-Rule of Reason posts) 2,532 (including guest non-Rule of Reason posts) 

All these titles are availalbe on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in either print, ebook or Audible editions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have become completely hooked on the world of Cyrus Skeen and have been tracking down on the novels (new, not used). I have all but The Flute. For some reason I cannot find it anywhere. Any suggestions on where I may be able to track it down in paperback? Thank you.



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